Corporate Directory

Queensland Plastics Industry Training Committee Inc. (0399)

Management Committee (Honorary)Corporate Name
Mr. James Hunter (QPITC Chairman)
Mr. Mike Sprake
Mr. Brian Stick
Mr. Rob Lude
Mr. Darren Rosevear
Mr. Jamie Groth
Mr. Bob LeHunt
Queensland Plastics Industry Training Committee (QPITC)
ABN 25 083 482 819
1030 Cavendish Road,
Mt. Gravatt 4122

Trading as Plastics-ITC
PO Box 459, Mt Gravatt 4122
Training Development ExecutiveAuditor
Mr. Roger CaterMark du Plessis, Partner Audit & Assurance, FSA
Company SecretaryBankers
Mr. R. Cater
(Honorary position)
Westpac Banking Corporation
Mt. Gravatt 4122
Registered OfficeCorporate Website
Block P,
1030 Cavendish Road,
Mt. Gravatt 4122
OperationsRegistered Business names
Leased premises within the building of
PARTEC (Qld) Pty. Ltd.
1030 Cavendish Road,
Mt. Gravatt 4122
(Within the grounds of Queensland TAFE, Mt. Gravatt Campus)
Reg. to June 2027.

Queensland Plastics Institute,
Reg. to September 2026.

Prosthetics and Orthotics Technician Alliance,
Reg. to December 2025.